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My name is Marek Schmidt, I was born on 14 June 1956 at 9.00 am in Gdynia.

My mother Irena, a nurse, during Stalinist time was illegally arrested, tortured and put into prison without the sentence Her history reminds me pictures from the film “Interrogation”. She was later rehabilitated, but she has never regained her lost health. She could not work or raise me or my younger brother. My grandparents, my mother’s parents, took care of us. They did their best but this task exceeded their physical as well as financial capabilities. When I was 14 my grandfather died and we were sent to an orphanage.

My stay in this “left luggage” ended when I reached 18 years old. I remained on my own without any plan and scope for my life. And then I was called up to the Army where I spent two years. After the military service I started to work on the fishermen boats. First I worked for the Polish fleet and later also for the foreign ones. This way I got to Hamburg where I live and work till today. I lead totally ordinary life.

My history with healing has started by accident. One day my colleague told me about his daughter’s illness. She was diagnosed with a tumour in her head which caused her double vision on one eye, sleeplessness, very strong headaches, paresis of one hand and cheek muscles. His misfortune made me very sad, I have two children of my own and I understood his suffering. I kept returning with my thoughts to our conversation and I prayed intensively for the girl’s health – at that time it was all I could do.

At that time I was already interested in “Energy transfer” and its use for healing of various problems. I read a lot on these issues. Many people had told me before that in my presence they can support better their pain and in some cases the pain had even gone. Although some people told me directly that they felt as if “electric current” was passing through them and that I probably had some healing gift. I remained rather sceptical.

The story of my colleague was bothering me and although I did not expect much I decided to give it a try and help his daughter. First I had to overcome my lack of confidence and doubts. With consent of both the father and daughter I decided to give “the experiment” three goes. We agreed that in case of lack of results, we will forget about everything.

During the first session, having no other idea, I gave the girl my hand, the other one putting on the top. After a minute I realised that nothing had happened.

At the second session I hold both my hands about 2 cm over her head. What I experienced is difficult to describe. I felt a strong tingling in hands and it seemed that waves of electric current flowed through my body. The girl was sitting as hypnotized. It all lasted about 3 minutes. I was surprised with the whole situation but also with my physical weakness that came just after the session.

The next day my colleague informed me that his daughter for the first time since a long time had slept calmly and the paresis of her hand and cheek had disappeared. Since then I started regular energy transfer sessions with her. Her health conditions improved and stabilized.

The girl feels fine until today. It is not only my credit, but also the one of the doctors who treated her.

These very strong experiences changed my life. I had a great possibility of helping sick people, what is what I have always desired. I would like to bring this gift – from God or from Nature – to everyone who wants to receive it. I have no intention to earn money on it. Repeating after John Paul II The rich person is not the one who possesses but the one who "gives”.

Long time has passed since that event and I have already helped many people. This is a proof, that divine Energy exists and helps sick people to activate the forces that lead to recovery I strongly believe that all of us who will understand well the following words of John Paul II – Karol Wojtyla, will regain their good health and will enjoy long years of life.

“The true civilisation is not based on power but is a fruit of victory over ourselves, over the power of injustice, egoism and haterate which are capable of changing the true human face.”

Humanity follows the path of purification but often forgets that only the love of neighbour is the most healing element above all. We all are the children of Nature and as Energy we create one whole. That is why we can complete the Energy level for each other. Through self-analysis of actions and positive change we open towards a free healing energy flow.

There are so many things between the Earth and the Sky that we don’t know and we don’t understand and nevertheless the science each day provides us with new answers there are still some phenomena that will never be explored.

Who would like to develop his or hers Energy consciousness I recommend a book by Babara Ann Brennan “Hands of Light”.

I keep developing my abilities and search for new methods of helping the sick.

In 2008 I obtained a document which states that I am an acknowledged healer according to a directive of the Spiritual Healing Centre, a registered association (see the Diploma in the photo gallery).

I agree with Albert Einstein that Only a life lived for others is worth living”.

A great healer Bruno Groening thought the same and proved it with his life.

I am a member of the German Union of Healers and I am obliged to observe the moral code of the association, which forbids its members using the press articles or letters of grateful patients for advertising purposes.

You may get in touch with me by telephone or mail. Home and hospital visits are also possible.

Best regards,

Marek Schmidt